Georgia Job ChalleNGe Academy
The Georgia Job ChalleNGe Academy is a five-month program that provides recent graduates of the Georgia Youth ChalleNGe Program the opportunity to enroll in vocational and technical courses at the technical college level. GAYCP Graduates who are selected for the Georgia Job ChalleNGe Academy will receive a scholarship to cover the costs of meals, transportation, housing, tuition, and other fees associated with enrollment.
Real World Training
Working with both Savannah Technical College and Coastal Pines Technical College, JCA allows students to learn real-world skills that can lead to employment opportunities that can take them anywhere they want to go.
Download the JCA Information Flyer Download the JCA Application →
Download the JCA Packing List → Download the JCA Reception Packet→
Are You Eligible to Attend?
- Male and Female
- 17-19 years old(19 year old applicants must have insurance)
- Be a successful Graduate of a Georgia Youth ChalleNGe Academy
- Pass 3 or more GED subject area tests
- Or have 17 or more transferrable High School credits
- Have earned the YCA rank of Cadet Corporal or higher
- Have a history of exemplary behavior reports
- Must be recommended by the YCA leadership
- Must be a Georgia resident